
Today, we will look into file servers (NAS) and document centralization solutions for customers considering the introduction of web hard drives, cloud, NAS servers, etc., considering usability such as file backup and data storage.

*We will refer to file servers as file servers (NAS) since many people use NAS to build file servers.


What is a file server (NAS)?

A file server is a server that manages the sharing of computer files by placing a central file server and granting user access rights. It can be seen as an extension of the "shared folder" supported by Windows, where this "shared folder" is centrally managed, and user access rights and read/write permissions are added. The most commonly used product in file servers is the NAS server mentioned earlier.


What is document centralization?

Cyberdigm's document centralization solution is a solution that stores and manages all documents generated during work on a central server instead of a personal PC. It is a thorough document security management solution that can prevent document leakage and loss in advance, maintaining document security from internal and external sources, protecting documents from ransomware and hacking attacks, and safely storing and managing documents with certified encryption technology, allowing users to collaborate by accessing the central repository anytime, anywhere.


Similarities between file servers and document centralization solutions!


1. Document Management - Provides a central repository for data storage

Both file servers and document centralization solutions provide a central repository for file storage or configuration! They offer a structured hierarchy that allows users to create folders, subfolders, and file directories for storage. Since files can be stored and utilized in the central repository, users can efficiently search and utilize the desired files, quickly finding the necessary files, which can save work time and help improve productivity.




2. Document Security - Access control for files and folders

Both solutions allow administrators to control access rights to files or folders! They use a system that assigns permissions to individual users or specific groups. Permissions can be set for reading, writing, modifying, deleting, and executing files and folders. Moreover, since changes in the upper folder are inherited to the lower folders, administrators can conveniently manage access control without having to set permissions for individual files.


3. Collaboration and Productivity Enhancement - Promotes collaboration among team members through document sharing

Both document centralization solutions and file servers promote collaboration among team members. With file-sharing features and various functionalities such as version control and editing, multiple users can simultaneously utilize documents, enhancing work efficiency and productivity. (However, in the case of file servers, version conflicts and manual merging of changes may occur!)


Differences between file servers and document centralization solutions!


1. Document Management - Assetization of all documents without document loss
2. Document Security - Zero risk of ransomware infection, in addition to internal and external document security
3. Collaboration and Productivity Enhancement - Smooth work and collaboration anytime, anywhere


File Server: A file server is a computer or dedicated device that stores files and allows other computers or users on the network to access the files.

When documents are stored on a file server, they are stored as they are without changing the content or structure. For example, when a text file or pdf document is stored on a file server, the server saves it as a binary file, preserving its original format and content without additional configuration or analysis.
*Binary file: A binary file is a file encoded in binary format (0s and 1s) for data storage and processing purposes.


Document Centralization: Document centralization refers to the process of centrally managing and organizing documents. Document centralization treats the information contained in files as structured data in a database, systematically managing it rather than simply storing the files as they are. Therefore, it can not only store and manage files but also apply various management and security policies based on files, making it possible to organically link with various corporate work systems.

Now, let’s explain in detail the features that can be compared between file servers and document centralization solutions. What are the differences in the various features?



1. Document Management - Store all documents as corporate assets without document loss!


▶ Single document storage on the central server

The document centralization solution has a distinct advantage over file servers as it automatically forces the storage of all documents produced by the company! Unlike file servers, where users manually save changes to files, the document centralization solution stores all documents on the central server, preventing storage on local PCs, C drives, USBs, external hard drives, etc. Thus, all work outputs produced by the company can be stored as corporate assets!


▶ Version history and recovery features

Unlike file servers, the document centralization solution manages all documents centrally, ensuring no data duplication or omission while managing all documents. Cyberdigm’s document centralization system manages all modifications as versions without duplicate documents, preserving all revision histories from creation to deletion of a single document. By automatically saving revisions, it minimizes the risk of data loss due to accidental document deletion, modification, or errors, allowing file restoration to the desired point.



2. Zero risk of ransomware infection, in addition to internal and external document security

Cyberdigm’s document centralization solution offers various powerful security features not seen in file servers.




▶ Blocking document leakage routes

With a single document centralization solution, you can control access rights by device, control external storage media (USB, external hard drives, web/mail, messengers), and prevent document leakage through various bypass routes such as printing, capturing, and clipboard.


▶ External export approval process

Documents stored centrally can be shared externally after going through an export approval process. The approver can check everything from the document to be exported to who and for what purpose it is being exported, preventing indiscriminate document leakage. The approver can approve or reject the export request after receiving it, protecting important documents from being leaked externally by rejecting unclear export requests.


▶ Preventing ransomware infection damage

Using a whitelist method, which allows only pre-approved business programs to access the document centralization server, it completely blocks server access by unregistered ransomware or malicious programs. Moreover, instead of modifying the original documents registered on the central server, it downloads the documents to an encrypted temporary area for work and then saves the documents back to the server, with all file paths and files encrypted to prevent ransomware infection. If a modified document is infected, it can be resolved by deleting the infected version and restoring the previous version of the document. In fact, there has not been a single case of ransomware damage among customers using Cyberdigm’s solution.



3. Collaboration and Productivity Enhancement - Smooth work and collaboration anytime, anywhere!


▶ Access the central server anytime, anywhere

Cyberdigm’s document centralization solution allows users to access the necessary documents for work anytime, anywhere if they have the appropriate permissions. While NAS systems are generally accessed within a local network, suitable for companies in a single physical location, the document centralization solution allows easy access and utilization of documents stored on the central server, whether in the office, working remotely, or traveling, as long as there is an internet connection.


▶ Always share the latest documents via URL

Internal users share the file location using internal distribution URLs. When sharing this way, the document stored 


